Sunchild - Time And The Tide. 4xCD deluxe limited edition

Release Date : 2023

Four great Sunchild albums remastered and complete with over 80 minutes of bonus tracks in a beautiful digipak format presentation, three of the albums have been out of print for more than two years with two of them for more than four years, by popular demand we are now offering them in a five star deluxe limited edition set.

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Sunchild - Exotic Creatures and a Stolen Dream. Limited Edition With Bonus Tracks CD

Almost four years in the making Antony returns with two monster progressive tracks that remind us so much of the hey day of our genre, music that weaves it's web from one musical section to another and back again seamlessly with melodies and passages that tear at the heart of all prog heads.

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Sunchild - The Gnomon. 2xCD Digi Version

Release Date : 2008 ReRelease 2012

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