AKP (Karfagen/Sunchild/Hoggwash) - A message of Peace Tour. Live CD

Release Date : 2023

I am sure all followers of our shop are more than aware now of Antony's plight, the one good thing to come out of this nightmare is the freedom it has given him musically during 2023, he has been able to share on many stages across western Europe his feelings and the love shown to him and his musicians is reflected in the beautiful atmosphere of the live recording, 77 minutes of undiluted prog which includes a rare performance of my favourite AKP track of all time 'Out of the darkness' very appropriate for the occasion.
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Antony Kalugin - Chameleon Shapeshifter AND Stellar Gardener AND Marshmallow Moondust. LIMITED PERIOD

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Antony Kalugin - Chameleon Shapeshifter. CD


CM are so proud to bring you the final chapter of the Magical AKP Trilogy - Chameleon Shapeshifter.

The music maestro has used the lengthy periods of isolation to create some of the most exciting and uplifting progressive symphonic art rock of recent times...... 

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Antony Kalugin - Stellar Gardener. CD

Release Date : 2021

The musical progressive juggernaut that is Antony Kalugin produces a tour de force with the follow up to the magnificent ‘Marshmallow Moondust’.

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Antony Kalugin - Marshmallow Moondust. Limited Edition CD

Release Date : 2020

LIMITED EDITION with TWO full colour posters.

Whilst all of our lives had been thrown into the darkness and the in word was “lockdown” the accomplished Antony Kaulgin was busy as usual creating new music, but now on his own, isolated like the rest of mankind, creating a music opus that without fear of overstatement redefines the genre progressive rock....

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