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Release Date : 2022

Studio opus No.20 see the band once again tackling uncomfortable subject matter head on in what is one of their most upbeat releases. It's been six years since No.19 so it's greeted with much anticipation and excitement. Well worth the wait - savour Marillion fans and lovers!

1. Be Hard on Yourself - I. The Tear In the BIg PIcture - II. Lust for Luxury - III. You Can Learn 2. Reprogram the Gene - I. InvIncIble - II. Trouble-Free LIfe - III. A Cure for Us? 3. Only a KIss 4. Murder MachInes 5. The Crow and the NIghtIngale 6. SIerra Leone - I. Chance In a MIllIon - II. The WhIte Sand - III. The DIamond - IV. The Blue Warm AIr - V. More Than a Treasure 7. Care - I. MaIntenance Drugs - II. An Hour Before It's Dark - III. Every Call - IV. Angels on Earth